Workpackage 5
WP 5

WP 5

Stakeholder decision process


Elucidate how stakeholders make decisions related to disease management strategies when they are faced with new and complex information, in a situation of scientific uncertainty with the likely presence of risk aversion and irreversibility effects in public investments for epidemiological surveillance. Develop bio-economic models and use participatory experiments and spatialized choice models to unravel the optimization of epidemiological surveillance.


  • Develop conceptual bio-economic models for epidemiological surveillance policy based on optimal switching approaches that account for the irreversibility of pest management, the impact of multi-pest and multi-prophylaxis systems, and cost-benefit analyses.
  • Engage participatory approaches involving design, choice and implementation experiments.
  • Simulate impacts of altering land use cover and host spatial distribution on epidemics.

WP5 leader:  Ghislain Geniaux

Partners: BioSP, TETIS (see partner information on the About Us page)

Modification date: 19 June 2023 | Publication date: 23 October 2020 | By: C.E. Morris