5 May 2021 16:00 GMT+2

5 May 2021, 16:00 GMT+2 - - Multidisciplinary and collective experiments for reducing pesticides against Flavescence dorée

In this talk, we will retrace 5 years of multidisciplinary research involving pathology, ecology, mathematic modelling and social sciences in order to gain insight into FD epidemiology and management.

Sylvie Malembic-Maher1, Xavier Foissac1, Hola Kwame Adrakey2 & Frédéric Fabre2

          1UMR BFP, Univ. Bordeaux, INRAE Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux

          2UMR SAVE, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, INRAE Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux

Flavescence dorée (FD) is a severe disease of grapevine caused by a phytoplasma and transmitted by a leafhopper vector of North-American origin, Scaphoideus titanus. Since its first detection in 1950 in SouthWest France, FD disease has spread in most European vineyards and is considered as quarantine agent according to the EU regulation. Mandatory measures against FD which consist of surveys, uprooting of infected plants and spraying with insecticides concern more than 2/3 of French vineyards, with economic, social and environmental consequences. In this talk, we will retrace 5 years of multidisciplinary research involving pathology, ecology, mathematic modelling and social sciences in order to gain insight into FD epidemiology and management. The research was conducted in collaboration with stakeholders involved in FD management via collective experiments that facilitated the development of alternative management solutions and the reduction of insecticide treatments. Future steps to go BEYOND this approach via the integration of new disciplines and in the transformation into concrete management tools and solutions will be presented.