Publications, training, resources

Publications, training, resources





Our publications
  • 2024. Environmental and bioclimatic data for epidemiological analysis over French Mediterranean areas [Environmental Data Science]
  • 2024. Speeding up estimation of spatially varying coefficients models [J. Geographical Systems]
  • 2024. Semantically-informed domain adaptation for named entity recognition [Foundations of Intelligent Systems]
  • 2024. PADI-web for Plant Health Surveillance [Intelligent Information Systems]
  • 2024. Genetic signatures of contrasted outbreak histories of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”, the bacterium that causes citrus Huanglongbing, in three outermost regions of the European Union [Evolutionary Applications]
  • 2024. Optimizing fungicide deployment in a connected crop landscape while balancing epidemic control and environmental sustainability [BioRxiv preprint]
  • 2024. A metapopulation framework integrating landscape heterogeneity to model an airborne plant pathogen: The case of brown rot of peach in France, [Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment]
  • 2024. A multivariate and space-time stochastic weather generator using a latent Gaussian framework [Hal preprint]
  • 2024. Building integrated plant health surveillance: a proactive research agenda for anticipating and mitigating disease and pest emergence. [CABI Agriculture and Bioscience]
  • 2024. Speeding up estimation of spatially varying coefficients models [J. Geographical Systems]
  • 2024. More than food: Why restoring the cycle of organic matter in sustainable plant production is essential for the One Health nexus [CABI Reviews]
  • 2024. An approach to on-demand extension of multidimensional cubes in multi-model settings: Application to IoT-based agro-ecology [Data & Knowledge Engineering]
  • 2023. Be high on emotion: Coping with emotions and emotional intelligence when querying data [ADBIS 2023: New Trends in Database and Information Systems]
  • 2003. Computing Geographical Networks Generated by Air-Mass Movement [GeoHealth]
  • 2023. Towards a multi-model approach to support user-driven extensibility in data warehouses: Agro-ecology case study [EDBT/ICDT 2023 Joint Conference]
  • 2023. Logical design of multi-model data warehouses [Knowledge and Information Systems]
  • 2023. Global benefits and domestic costs of a cooperative surveillance strategy to control transboundary crop pathogens [Plants, People, Planet]
  • 2023. SNEToolkit: Spatial named entities disambiguation toolkit [SoftwareX]
  • 2023. Could keyword masking strategy improve language model? [Natural Language Processing and Information Systems Conf. paper]
  • 2023. Omnicrobe, an open-access database of microbial habitats and phenotypes using a comprehensive text mining and data fusion approach  [PLoS ONE]
  • 2023. Origin of isolated cases of “flavescence doree” in North-East of France: Search for reservoir plants and insect vectors in semi-natural habitats near vineyards. [Phytopathogenic Mollicutes]
  • 2022. VCISOLAP: A UML Profile for Variety Aware Data Warehouse [Recherche Data Gouv]
  • 2022. Early-detection surveillance for stem rust of wheat: insights from a global epidemic network based on airborne connectivity and host phenology [Environmental Research Letters]
  • 2022. The ecological significance of arthropod vectors of plant, animal, and human pathogens [Trends in Parasitology]
  • 2022. One Health concepts and challenges for surveillance, forecasting and mitigation of plant disease beyond the traditional scope of crop production [Plant Pathology]
Doctoral Dissertations
Reports and Technical Guides
Data bases
  • 2025. Training and development dataset for information extraction in plant epidemiomonitoring [data.gouv]
  • 2025. Corpus for the epidemiomonitoring of plants. [data.gouv]
  • 2025. Environmental and Bio-climatic Data over French Mediterranean areas. [data.gouv]
  • 2024. MSTWeatherGen [github]
  • 2024. mgwrsar: GWR, Mixed GWR and Multiscale GWR with Spatial Autocorrelation (2025 update) [CRAN]
Training courses
  • 2023. 21-22 Nov. Training course on Basics of Plant Epidemiological Surveillance, University of Montpellier, GAIA doctoral school. See News for details.
PhD in progress
  • 2024-2027. Cotation d’information et analyse de la dynamique de vie de la connaissance. Application au suivi temporel de la fiabilité des informations bibliographiques sur des insectes vecteurs de pathogènes des plantes. Anne-Sophie Foussat. ED580 Sciences et Technologie de l'Information et de la communication STIC. Université Paris-Saclay
  • 2023-2026. Surveillance séquentielle et adaptative basée sur des évaluations spatio-temporelles du risque épidémique. François d’Alayer de Costemore d’Arc. ED536 Agrosciences & Sciences, Avignon Université
  • 2022-2025. Identifier les trajectoires probables de dissémination de phytopathogènes vectés par des hémiptères pour une meilleure prophylaxie. Margaux Darnis, ED536 Agrosciences & Sciences, Avignon Université
  • 2021-2025. Enhanced risk-based surveillane of Xylella fastidiosa. Camille Portes. ED536 Sciences & Agrosciences, Avignon Université
  • 2021-2024. Multi-model data warehouse for epidemiology monitoring: from design to implementation. Coulibaly Fagnine Alassane. ED70 Sciences pour l'Ingenieur, Université Clermont Auvergne
Internship reports
  • 2022. Psylve - A Text-to-Ontology Information Extraction Framework for the Occurrence Distribution of Plant Pathogen Vectors. Elisa Lubrini, Master of Science in Natural Language Processing, Université de Lorraine [download report]
  • 2022. Reconstruction des scénarios évolutifs d'introduction et d'expansion en Europe des psylles du complexe Cacopsylla pruni. Margaux Darnis, Master 2 Biodiversité, Ecologie, Evolution; Sorbonne Université [download report]
Ecophyto's updates on Integrated Pest Management
  • Search the Ecophyto website for their newsletter "Lettre @ PIC" and for regularly updated information on biocontrol, reduction of pesticide inputs, etc at
Other projects in France's Priority Research Program on "Growing and Protecting Crops Differently"
  • BECREATIVE  - Co-conception of territories without pesticides
  • CAPZEROPHYTO  - Adaptation of the concept of ecological immunity to the protection of crops
  • DEEPIMPACT  - Analysis of plant-microbiote interactions to promote plant defenses against bioaggressors
  • FAST  - Facilitate public action to exit from pesticides
  • MOBIDIV  - Mobilise and select intra and inter-specific diversity of cultivated plants for a systemic change toward agriculture without pesticides
  • PHEROSENSOR  - Early detection of insect pests via olifacive probes based on pheromone receptors
  • SPECIFICS  - Conception of cropping systems without pesticides that are rich in legumes and grains
  • SUCSEED  - Terminate the use of pesticides on seeds and propose alternatives
  • VITAE  - Cultivate vineyards without pesticides - toward agroecological wine-growing socio-ecosystems